

On site dispensing admix equipment. Different concrete admixture stored on site.


Admixtures are additions to a concrete mix that can help control the set time and other aspects of fresh concrete.

Common admixtures include accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures, air entraining admixtures, and water-reducing admixtures.

DMI is proudly supported by GRACE® Construction Products. GRACE® is a leader in concrete admixtures and has a extensive selection of product to improve your concretes durability and performance.

Below are a few of the GRACE® products DMI typically has in stock.

WRDA 64®

WRDA 64® produces a concrete with lower water content(typically 8 to 10% reduction), greater plasticity and higher strength. (Performs especially well in concrete containing fly ash and other pozzolans.) WRDA 64® is used in about 95% of all DMI’s mix designs.

ADVA 190®

ADVA 190® superplasticizer produces concrete with extremely workable characteristics referred to as high slump. It also allows concrete to be produced with very low water/cement ratios for high strength. (Commonly referred to as Super “P”)


DARASET 400® may be used wherever it is desirable toreduce the setting time of concrete and/or to increase its early compressive and flexural strengths. For mixes designed with pozzolans, such as fly ash or slag, DARASET 400® can help offset the retarding effects of these materials, especially in cooler temperatures.In cold weather, DARASET 400® may be used to reduce the time that it takes the concrete to set, prior to finishing.


DCI-S® is a admixture providing corrosion protection for concrete containing steel reinforcement and prestressing strands. Used for concrete in contact with chlorides from deicing salts or from a marine environment.Effective in parking structures, marine structures and bridges. May be used with other corrosion protection products such as silica fume, epoxy-coated rebar and surface sealers. DCI-S® provides near neutral set.


RECOVER® is used to stabilize mixer wash water and returned or leftover concrete for extended periods, allowing for use of the materials when specified or allowed. It is also used where controlled extended set of concrete is needed.

For more information on GRACE® Construction Products please visit their website at or call DMI Dispatch.

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